Staff Repoter :: Australian International School Dhaka (AusIS) has organized its first PYP Science Exhibition on 3rd of April. This is the first science exhibition arranged by the school after getting the very prestigious IB authorization.
The theme of the exhibition was, ‘Go Green AusIS”.Dr. Biswas Karabi Farhana (BKF) was the guest judge of the event. She is a Professor at the department of Environmental Science and Management of North South University. Dr. Farhana gave a very inspiring speech to addressing the school community about taking care of our environment.
The president of Lions Club of Dhanmondi, Major (Retd) M.A Bashar was also present at the event to collect the saplings donated by the PYP students of the school. The Principal of the school Brigadier General (Retd) ASM Mustafa Kamal Khan inaugurated the event where 43 projects were presented.
The Vice Principal Micael Baroi and the PYP Coordinating teacher Taslima Khatoon and Assistant Coordinating teacher Jahanara begum were also there. The champion project, ‘The Hydraulic Robot’ was prepared and presented by Sabib, Amir and Aheel of Year 4A.
Medals and certificates have been awarded to the winners and the participants. Coordinator of the event, Shabanam Hossain, thanks the students, the teachers, the school staff and the parents for making the event a grand success.
BDPressRelease/MM/08 April 2019
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