Staff Repoter :: TECNO, a global premium smartphone brand, has announced the launch of the TECNO CAMON 19 Neo in Bangladesh today following the global launch of the CAMON 19 series at Rockefeller Center in New York.”The TECNO CAMON 19 series is the answer for consumers around the world who are seeking a premium smartphone that combines style and performance with an elevated photographic experience,” said Stephan Ha, general manager of TECNO, “We’re very proud to introduce the TECNO CAMON 19 series and continue to reinforce TECNO’s commitment to exploring more possibilities in the fusion of technology, innovation, and design.”
Designed for young fashionistas, the TECNO CAMON 19 Neo overcomes the traditional challenges of photography in nighttime and low-light conditions with style. It features a 48MP bright-night portrait photography technology and a 32MP softlight selfie camera. The 48MP main super-night rear camera sets new standards for accurately capturing bright, clear images and portraits in less-than-optimal lighting situations. The 32MP softlight selfie camera with dual flash automatically fills in the light and softly illuminates facial details for better color imaging, even in low light.
TECNO CAMON 19 Neo offers the industry’s slimmest bezel, framing a 6.8-inch FHD+ display, to deliver an unsurpassed immersive experience. The powerful camera with a double ring and three cameras perfectly balances the camera and back panel aesthetic design to create the ultimate overall feeling. In fact, the TECNO CAMON 19 series recently won the iF Design Award 2022 for outstanding product design.
For video enthusiasts, the TECNO CAMON 19 Neo simplifies shooting and editing videos with several new features designed to deliver new levels of creativity and quality. Its video night view algorithm detects less-than-optimal ambient brightness and automatically enhances the brightness of the image and videos.
TECNO CAMON 19 Neo is powered by the MediaTek Helio G85 chipset with a better display, more image processing power, and faster speed. Running out of power will seldom be an issue for the CAMON 19 Neo, thanks to its 5,000 mAh battery, coupled with an 18-Watt Flash Charge.In Bangladesh, the TECNO CAMON 19 Neo comes in the Ice Mirror color and is now available at a special launch price of Tk 18,490 (for a limited time only).
BDPressRelease/ 18 June 2022 /MM
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